

Welcome on our site!
Products listed below are updates on local market. Our products offers the possibility to personalize troubleshooting in a authentic environment. It can be placed in bars and restaurants, institutions, waiting rooms, SPA or health and beauty centers, also for multisensory rooms in specialized centers. 
Using the FENG SHUI principles by combining water-air-light, we want to create visual senzations pleasant and comforting. This site wants to offer a few objects, products, with a special design, the latest techniques in the interior and exterior design field, for you, your family and customers, to have the oportunitty to rest, recreate and relax by using ambiental ideal proposed.
Our design department is available to design, 3D visualization of future product depending on choice and customization proposed.
Copying, reproducing or using in any purpose, without writen agreement of ANTIQUA DESIGN SRL will be subject to the copyright law. We don't respond for any showed information of out products on othes sites.
For a good wiev use F11. We wish you a pleasant viewing. Architect Designer Zalder Andrei & Zalder Thomas Arh. St.